Elaine Jones
Aug 2024 - Present Fiona Dane Gallery, Craster.
Nov 2021-July 2024 Mick Oxley Gallery, Craster
Oct 2024 Heinzel Gallery & Manar House, Aberdeen
Aug 2024 Barony Exhibition, Craft Town Scotland, West KilbrideMay
2019 - Present, Bluecoat Display Centre, Liverpool.
July 2018 - July 2019, The Purbeck New Wave Gallery, Swanage, Dorset.
May - December 2018, The Old Blacksmiths, Creech, Dorset.
1st March - 30th April 2018, ‘Equinox’, Bluecoat Chambers, Liverpool.
1st Dec 2017 - 28th Feb 2018, Jane Bradford Art Gallery, Newburgh, Aberdeenshire.
May - June 2017, Purbeck Arts Exhibition, Rollington Barn, Corfe Dorset.
May - June 2017, SKETCHES refereed Exhibition, Etches Museum, Kimmeridge, Dorset.
March 2015 - August 2016, Tignhabruiach Gallery, Seaside House, Tighnabruiach, Argyll.
April 2017, Arty Bazaar, Boilerhouse Gallery, Corfe, Dorset.
October 2016 - May 2017, L’Artishe Gallery, Swanage, Dorset.
April 2016- August 2017, Inchmore Gallery, Inverness
October - March 2016, Winter Exhibition, Inchmore Gallery, Inverness.
November - February 2015, Touched by Scotland, Oyne, Aberdeenshire.
November 2014 - 2016, Lived-In, Ellon, Aberdeenshire.
March 2014 - 2015, Tolquhon Gallery, Tarves, Ellon, Aberdeenshire.
11th July - 4th September 2014, Clay in Miniature, Scottish Potters Association Exhibition, Barony Centre, North Ayrshire.
July - August 2013 , Solo Exhibition, The Linden Tree, Huntly, Aberdeenshire.
8th March – 22nd June 2013, Curiosities, Echoes & Oddities, Spring Exhibition, Touched by Scotland, Oyne, Aberdeenshire.
4th May – 2nd June 2013, Scottish Potters Association Open Exhibition, Natural Scotland, Milton of
Crathes, Banchory, Aberdeenshire.
11th May – 29th June 2013, Aberdeen Artists Society, Juried Annual Exhibition 2013, Aberdeen Municipal Art Gallery, Aberdeen.
May 2013,C OAST 2013, Earthworks, Banff, Aberdeenshire.
22 Sept-27 Oct 2012, Scottish Potters Association Autumn exhibition, Inchmore Gallery, Inverness.
September - October 2007, Juried exhibition, Scottish Potters Association, ‘Feat of Clay’,Strathearn Gallery, Crieff, Perth and Kinross.
April – May 2005, Group exhibition, Carby Art Gallery, Aberdeen.
October 2004 – March 2005, Gallery Heinzel, Thistle Street, Aberdeen.
Group Exhibitions at British Craft Trade Fair, Harrogate, 2000 and 2001. Group Exhibition, Henshaws Gallery, Harrogate, 2001.
Ceramics Training
October 2003 - September 2004, Masters Degree Art and Design, specialist area - Ceramics, Gray’s School of Art, Robert Gordon University, Garthdee Road, Aberdeen. Scholarship awarded for MA course by Scottish Arts Council.
September 1999 - July 2001, BTEC National Diploma Ceramics, Harrogate College, Yorkshire.
September 1998 - Janaury 1999, Ceramic Assistant to Ceramicist Christian Bruun (graduate of the Danish Design School), Charlottenlund, Copnehagen.